Are you getting ready to build a website?
When designing a website, one of the primary goals should be creating an enjoyable and efficient user experience (UX). But what does good UX look like?
UX architecture is designing a website to be intuitive and easy to use. It considers all design aspects, from the interface layout to the navigation structure. It’s all about making your content easy to access and navigate. If visitors can’t easily navigate your website, you’ll lose them to the competition!
How can you make your website work for everyone? Follow along as we discuss the most important design elements so you can create a website visitors love.
What Website Elements to Consider First
First things first, you need to establish clear objectives. Make sure your website has a goal or purpose in mind. This will help you decide on the layout, content, and other design components.
Next, consider your audience: Who will be using your website? Understanding your target audience will allow you to create a more personalized and tailored experience that resonates with them.
Finally, focus on structure. The website structure should take priority in your web design plans.
Your visitors need to know where they are and how they can get where they want to go quickly and easily. A consistent navigation system should be in place throughout the site. That way, users always have access to important pages when needed.
User Experience Experiments and Visuals
Now it’s time to experiment with your design elements. For instance, you can experiment with user interaction.
See how users interact with your website by using testing tools such as usability testing or A/B testing. These will give you essential feedback on what works best for users when navigating your site.
Next, make sure you’re using visuals the right way. Visuals can make or break a website’s user experience; use them sparingly but strategically. Use images and videos strategically to increase engagement while keeping load times quick and consistent across different devices.
Speed is the name of the game when it comes to creating a positive visitor experience. Make sure your website is running on a reliable hosting provider. This will ensure that all of these elements load quickly and reliably.
Making Your Website Mobile Friendly
Remember mobile optimization! About 97% of Americans have a smartphone or tablet. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re bound to lose business.
Not only does it need to be mobile-friendly, but the site also needs to be easy to navigate. Just because users can access it on their phone doesn’t automatically mean it’ll look good. It’ll be up to your design know-how to create scrollable, visually friendly pages.
Here are a few things you can do to make sure your website is mobile-friendly:
Use responsive design: Your site will adapt to whatever device it is being viewed on, whether it’s a phone, tablet, or computer. This is achieved through code that detects the device used and adjusts the layout accordingly.
Simplify your design: A complex design might look great on a desktop computer, but it can be hard to navigate on a smaller screen. When making your site mobile friendly, simplify the design so visitors can easily find what they’re looking for.
Optimize images: Big photo files can take a long time to load on a mobile device, so optimize them for the web. This means reducing the file size without sacrificing quality.
Use compressed files: In addition to optimizing images, you should compress any other files on your site, such as CSS and JavaScript. This will help reduce loading times for visitors.
Finally, avoid pop-ups at all costs. Pop-ups can be annoying and intrusive, especially on a small screen. If possible, avoid using them altogether, or at least ensure they can be easily dismissed with one tap.
Google Friendly Web Design
A big part of making your website work for everyone includes making it work for Google. One of the most important things you can do to get your website noticed is to ensure it appears in search engine results. And the best way to do that is to get your site indexed by Google.
There are a few different ways to get your site indexed by Google:
Add your URL to Google Search Console: This is a free service offered by Google that allows you to submit your website for inclusion in their search results.
Create sitemaps: Sitemaps are XML files that list all the pages on your website. This makes it easy for search engines to find and index all your content.
Use robots.txt file: The robots.txt file tells search engines which parts of your site should and shouldn’t index. This can be useful if certain areas of your site you don’t want public.
Promote natural link building: This means getting other websites to link back to yours. This helps Google understand your site and improves your chances of appearing in relevant search results.
Overall, Google likes it when your website content is relevant and makes sense. Creating content on topics related to your industry, such as blog posts, whitepapers, and videos, can be a great way to get your website noticed.
Build a Winning Website
There you have it! The elements of a winning website with the user experience in mind. Following the tips in this article can create an enjoyable experience for all visitors. As long as your website is mobile-friendly, optimized for search engines, and loaded with quality content, it’ll do great!
With Evolve Global Marketing by your side, you can rest assured that your website will be built to the highest standards and deliver the desired results. We’ll make sure your website is optimized for success. Contact us today to find out how!