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92% of employees surveyed said they would leave their current job for a different one if the new company has an excellent corporate reputation. This is true even if for the same amount of money.

50% of employees say they won’t work for a company that doesn’t have a good reputation, even if they pay more.

Even more important for branding services and employer branding, 86% of employees and job seekers will take the time to research the company and its work environment before choosing to apply for a job.

In a tight job market, what a potential employee thinks of your company matters. It’s also significant if you wish to keep the employee working at your company.

More and more employer branding is key to finding and retaining the best employees for companies. But how can companies manage this task on top of the plethora of other demands?

Read on to learn more about brand strategy services and how they could help you with your hiring.

What Is Employer Branding?

Let’s start with a common understanding of employer branding. When a company does employer branding, they work to control and improve its reputation as a place to work.

By developing a reputation as a great company to work for, they improve their hiring capabilities.

In short, the brand reputation of your company is how your current and future employees see and feel about your company.

Interestingly, 52% of small businesses say finding the best labor quality is their biggest challenge as a company. More and more, again, especially in a competitive jobs market, companies are choosing to focus on employer branding using brand strategy services.

Why Do You Need Employer Branding?

Two-thirds of businesses say they are struggling to find and hire employees. In the current American economy, there’s one potential employee for every 1.8 jobs available.

The employees are in a position to choose who they work for. So, if you want to score the very best of the bunch, you need to be prepared to showcase why you’re the best company to choose.

It’s also important to recognize the long-term impact of employer branding. It may not impact who you hire this week, but it will impact your future hires.

Also, as more companies get hip to the importance of employer branding, it becomes more important to be competitive.

Brand Audience

As you employ brand design services, it’s important to consider how employer branding is a part of this equation.

Of course, you understand branding for your company’s marketing to reach customers, vendors, and others in the industry.

This branding can also work to include future employees and the satisfaction of current employees.

Employer Brand ROI

The best employer branding provides an important return on investment for your business.

Many companies are just starting to recognize the significance of employer branding. This makes getting started on it for your own company all the more important.

The use of employer branding is often underused or overlooked by companies as part of their marketing strategy. The pay-off is worth it for those who invest in business branding services.

Let’s consider how branding services can benefit your employer branding.

Creating Your Own Narrative

Any kind of branding is a form of storytelling. If you don’t choose to tell the story of what it’s like to work for your company, then it’s likely someone else will take the reins and control the narrative.

When you proactively create your employment brand, then you tell the story you want potential employees to hear.

Recruitment Marketing

There are a host of studies about how much it costs a company to hire an employee. Recruiting requires time, energy, and resources. Imagine the cost when the wrong person gets hired, and the process needs to start again.

With the right recruitment marketing, you can:

  • Show potential employees why you’re different
  • Showcase your culture
  • Give people an honest and authentic sense of who you are as a company

If done the right way, you find the best employees as a result of your recruitment.

Employee Audit

When you use brand monitoring services, they can help you complete an employee audit. This audit can help to:

  • Consider your company from a candidate’s point of view
  • Evaluate how your website looks to a potential employee
  • Do you have a career and mission page?
  • Audit how job descriptions are presented
  • Audit an “About Us” page

You want to ensure that your company values, mission, and vision for the company are expressed for potential employees to see.

Employee Retention

A strong employer brand helps you retain the best employees you already have as part of your organization.

It’s easier and smarter for you to work to keep your good employees than to go looking for new ones.

Branding services not only help you with showing your company to potential employees but also safeguard your company reputation so you can keep your current ones.

Employee Engagement

Low employee engagement at work can be costly for employers. Branding services can help you as a business create branding that wants employees to be engaged.

It can give employees:

  • A sense of purpose
  • A supportive community
  • A value system that aligns with the company

Let’s face it; any content and happy employee is bound to be more engaged at work which is always good for your business.

Get Help from Branding Services

While you could tackle your own employee branding, it also makes sense to use a branding service. They can look at your overall marketing strategy and what audience you wish to seek.

Employer branding can also become inclusive to your other marketing strategies.

Invest in Employer Branding to Recruit the Best Employees

Business branding services can help you find and land the best quality employees in a highly competitive jobs market. It’s also important because it helps to retain your current employees from considering going to another company.

If you want to learn more about branding services or are ready to get started. Let us help you attract your future employees with branding services.

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