Sprinkled With Pink is an eCommerce business that sells products to help make parties anything but boring. The owner of the business started out on Etsy and when her business boomed to the #1 Etsy store, she knew it was time to update her Shopify site. However, before she started spending money on design and development, she needed to create a brand message that was clear and consistent. While she wasn’t familiar with the StoryBrand framework, when we explained it to her, she was incredibly excited to get started — and that excitement was well-founded. We took her through our customized brand identity process that includes the 7-part StoryBrand framework and developed her brand messaging in a clear, concise, and powerful way. Then, we went on to write her website homepage copy using that brand messaging to help her get more sales. Sprinkled With Pink’s products help make parties fun and exciting, so we knew her website had to reflect those feelings, too.
From Etsy to Shopify & StoryBrand — Young Business Owner Gets New Brand Identity and Website Messaging
Create new brand messaging for an eCommerce brand focused on making parties fun. The brand messaging and website design needed to reflect the brand attributes. So, while the messaging needed to stay clear and concise, following the StoryBrand framework, it also needed to reflect the products that she sells and have an aura of fun and excitement to it.
Sprinkled With Pink has a phenomenal new website that reflects the brand. From the graphics and photos to the design to the copy, every aspect of the new website came together to illustrate the products Sprinkled With Pink sells and to make potential customers excited to purchase their products. The owner of the business was very excited with the final outcome!
Brand Development & Rebranding
Story-Based Messaging
Website Design & Development

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