Senior Resource Planning is passionate about helping families leverage their resources to be able to afford long-term care services for their elderly family members. The company offers a variety of resources and services such as planning finances before it’s too late and utilizing Medicare, Medicaid, and other governmental services. Their offerings are complex and robust, and without clear messaging, would be hard to understand for families who really need their support. Senior Resource Planning realized that they needed clear and effective messaging, but they were not sure how to write it themselves; that’s where we came in. Evolve Global Marketing came in, starting with brand strategy, and created StoryBrand messaging that spoke to their ideal customer very clearly. We also helped them repackage their pricing and structure through our business coaching services. Similar to a lot of nonprofits, it can be hard for organizations that are providing a social good service to package and price their services at the value point they deserve. With our coaching help, they were able to package and price based on the value of their services in an effective way for them and their customers.
Clarified Messaging for a Complex Business Offering Support to Families With Aging Loved Ones
Our challenge here was three-fold. One, clarify Senior Resource Planning’s messaging and create a strong brand identity for complex, yet incredibly important, services. Two, use that messaging to write, design, and develop a new homepage, one that truly speaks to their potential customers and helps them understand why they need to work with Senior Resource Planning. Three, support and coach Senior Resource Planning to restructure, package, and price their services so that they are earning what they deserve while also staying true to their customers.
When potential customers go to Senior Resource Planning’s website now, they will understand what the company can do for them and why it’s so important to pre-plan and work with experts when it comes to long-term care. With clarified and consistent messaging that speaks directly to their ideal customer, Senior Resource Planning will be able to get more customers and help more families access affordable long-term care.
Brand Messaging
Brand Identity
Website Wireframe

Website Re-design with StoryBrand Messaging

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