eCommerce Wagyu Beef Business Uses StoryBrand to Get More Sales

Have you ever enjoyed the incredible delicacy that is 100% Wagyu beef? That’s what Plum Creek Wagyu is all about, providing pure blood, 100% Wagyu beef to people around the United States — so everyone can enjoy Wagyu. While this brand has incredible products and services, not many people understand the differences between Wagyu beef products, and they were missing out on a lot of sales. They knew they had a lot of potential for success, but they needed someone to come in and tell their story in a way that spoke to their customers and helped them stand out from the competition. That’s where we came in. We started by defining their brand identity and messaging using the StoryBrand process, then we went on to design their WordPress and Shopify websites on Adobe so all they have to do is hand it to their designer and get it built on their site. One of the best ways to get clients is through automated sales funnels, so we finished off the project by building out a complete sales funnel for them on Klaviyo, inclusive of abandoned cart campaigns, win-back campaigns, and more, so they never miss another sale.


Plum Creek Wagyu’s messaging and website did not adequately communicate the superior quality of their Wagyu beef as compared to their competitors. On top of that, they did not have an automated sales funnel to help close more deals and get more sales from potential clients.


Now, Plum Creek Wagyu’s potential customers know exactly why they should buy from them and nobody else — pure, 100% Wagyu beef is hard to find, and Plum Creek guarantees just that. As a Certified StoryBrand Guide, Kimjera, CEO of Evolve Global Marketing developed their new brand identity with clear and concise messaging that tells their story in a way that makes them stand out. We used that messaging to help design their website, which they will implement when they’re ready. Finally, we used Klaviyo to create beautiful email campaigns for them, so even if a customer does not buy right away, they are automatically nurtured to a sale.


Brand Style Guides
Story-Based Messaging
Website Design & Development

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